who you really are…

This was me for 30 years…and in all honesty is still me to the core but I am writing to change that…I’m using my words on a page to open my heart to myself and to the world…there is a fearlessness that I feel with my fingertips on my laptop or a pen on a…


There’s part of me that loves this quote and there’s part of me that struggles with the use of the word “chase.” I believe that what you put your energy into is what you’ll receive the biggest output from. But the word “chase” has an interesting context. I can be perceived as gamely, inauthentic, &…

mountain air & a new perspective

Its Sunday at 5am and my alarm goes off. Now, Monday – Friday this is standard protocol, but Sunday is my day to let my body wake me up, but not today, today was different for a very important reason. I was about to embark upon A Climb for Heroes with my good friend Wes…

How Will I Know?

One of my most embarrassing moments as a young girl was singing (or belting, screeching, or even yelping in some instances) into a purple plastic flashlight thinking I was going to be the world’s next white Whitney Houston. Whitey was my go-to…the 80s to late 90s Whitney…anything after that was just, well, not my karaoke…


You win some & lose some along the way but those that are meant to be in your journey will be there. Look for the lesson in the loss. Loyalty doesn’t have to be ride or die – that can be extreme, but loyalty certainly needs to be fair, honest and curated from a pure…

brand new me

It is not often that I will quote an entire song, poem or story in my blog but today is a new day and representative of a brand new me. This song is not new, its one of Alicia Key’s hidden tracks that was successful but did not catch much air time…what a shame, as…

Leap of Faith

Have you taken a leap of faith? A leap that shook you to your core because you had NO idea what to expect when you took flight? As I reach the two-year anniversary of my first sky dive I am compelled to reminisce & reflect. Well, to be accurate, the first time I attempted to…

15 years ago and beautifully broken

15 years ago I was in high school…in fact I was just told I was going to leave my home in Seattle and move across the country to Knoxville, Tennessee of ALL places on the planet. WTF mom and dad? Are you serious!?!? Little did I know at the time that was my saving grace,…

love is…

I used to think love was simple, that it came in one size, one shape and one color…I am learning that love is: an omnipresent sensation forgiving someone when they hurt you deeply embracing your flaws and respecting others never lying showing sincere affection letting him go forever choosing your happiness over someone else who…


there is  TONS of talk about self-love and how important it is to the overall health of your life…while I agree with that, I also think there is some exploration that needs to be done as to what it should look and feel like. we all see the quotes on tumblr, instagram and every other…